Thursday, July 15, 2010

Well, we're in the middle of packing, and getting ready to get out of the house. Thank God! It's been a lot of work, but we are really kicking butt. We will be ready for exodus by this Saturday night/ Sunday morning. We are just about 3/4 of the way done packing everything into boxes, and should have everything but the big furniture in the garage by Friday.

I have my room lined up for the month that I'll be up in Eugene, and I'll be honest, I'm a little nervous about it. I'll be sharing the room with 2 other people that I don't know, so I hope we will get along. The landlord seems pretty nice, and has an english accent- Instant cool points. She lives just down the street, which is nice in case there's any problems. Here's a link to a map of the location: 12th Street and Polk

I'm leaving on July 25th, and will be stopping at a hostel called Pigeon Point Hostel. It's located about 50 miles south of San Francisco, and is right on the coast. They advertise falling asleep to the sound of waves crashing into the cliff walls just yards away from the facility. Check out the link here:

I'll then be traveling up the coast toward Eugene, and will hopefully arrive by the evening of the 26th. If all goes well, I should have some time to settle into my room, and check out the area. I'll be stopping by the Benton Lane Winery to fill out some paperwork, as well as looking at homes for me and Shelli to rent. I'll have my fishing pole and bike with me, so hopefully I'll be able to check out some trout fishing for at least one day. All in all, I'll have a little less than a week before I start bottling at the winery for 2 weeks. After that, I will have a week to find a rental.

I'll be taking lots of pictures, and will be updating the blog as much as I can along the way. I'm sure I'll have lots to report, since pretty much everything will be new to me there. Hopefully I'll have some evening time to check out some local breweries. I'll update on that too!

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