Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 3 in Oregon

Sorry I haven't updated sooner...I've been busy getting to know Eugene! I'm all settled in my room, and have been getting to know my room mates. I got pretty lucky with this house- I am sharing it with 3 other people. It's a pretty awesome dynamic going on here. Everyone here is a student of some sort, and each has a really interesting story. One of the girls is studying Arabic, and is going to Tunisia, Africa next month to study abroad, and is also fluent in French. Will has a business degree (I think), and is working as a personal assistant for a "Serial Entrepreneur" who has a newfound love for booking flights on private jets. The other girl is working on her master's degree in special education.

We went grocery shopping yesterday, and got a bunch of fresh produce. They pretty much share all the food in the house, so we just split the grocery bill three ways. Adrienne likes to cook, just as I do, and with the asian market less than a mile away, I'm sure we will be making some great dinners. We have talked about making a Thai dish soon, and I look forward to learning some new cooking techniques.

It's way green here, and the colors are pretty overwhelming coming from the most brown and dead state in the US. I was actually riding my bike, and saw on the asphalt what looked to be cherries. I thought at first that someone might have dropped their groceries, but after looking above me, I realized that they were growing from the tree above me. After sampling a fresh picked cherry, I realized that there weren't cherries at all- They were baby plumbs of some sort. I've never tasted anything so sweet and juicy!

I'm headed down to the winery today, and will be filling out some preliminary paperwork and getting a quick tour.  I'm pretty dang excited to check it out and meet the crew.  Maybe I can sneak in some fishing while I'm in Monroe... I hear that the river there has some decent trout fishing- We'll see.  I'll definitely be taking some pictures and possibly videos of the area up there, and I'll post them tonight or tomorrow for you guys to see :)

Well enough writing for now...I'll let some of the pictures I took do the talking.
Me under a tree (Literally)
The California Coast

Driving through the Redwood Forest

Yep...Those are Elk!

The City of Eugene

The garden in our back yard
I'll post more pictures as I take them, and I'm sure I'll have more stories to come!

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