Friday, July 23, 2010

2 Days Left!!

It's Friday, and there are 2 days left before I depart.  I'm trying to keep on top of everything that needs to be done before I go, and today happens to be car day.  I replaced a tire on the Jeep, and am working on getting the Civic road ready.  The little red wagon is getting 2 new tires and an alignment...possibly more- we'll see what it needs.

We are all finished moving out of the house, and have all our stuff stored in Shelli's mom and dad's garage- Thanks Guy and Mary!  We had a huge crew of friends helping us get everything packed and moved last Sunday, and we actually got it all in one day.  I spent about 7 hours on Monday cleaning and getting the place ready for inspection by Freddie Mac.  Thanks to our diligent efforts, I was able to score a check for relocation assistance from the law firm- Also known as "Cash for Keys"---BONUS!!!

Now that it's coming down to the wire, best way I can describe how I feel is excitement mixed with a touch of nervousness.  I'm excited because its a huge change that we are both totally ready for.  I'm nervous because I really don't know what to expect when I get there.  I'm confident that everything will work out just fine, but the uncertainty is a bit of a killer.  I just hope I'm prepared for it.  I know I'm not the first one go through a cross country move without ever having been to the final destination, but it's still an interesting mix of emotions that I have never experienced.  Surreal.

I've been trying to spend what little time I have available with friends and family in these days before the journey.  It's been great hearing words of encouragement from our closest friends, and frankly it's the main thing that's been keeping me sane as I mentally prepare for this.

Thanks to everyone who has been there for us in this crazy time of our life.  Your support and encouragement are what reassure us that we can do this.  We really do have some fantastic friends, and I'm really going to be missing some people.  I just wish I had enough time to spend with everybody.  Sadness.

I'll be updating my blog frequently along my trip up north, and will be posting some pictures and messages "Social Network" style.  You can also keep track on my personal Facebook page.

Here's our dog Micah, all packed up and ready to move:

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