Thursday, June 3, 2010

And so it begins...

Well, I guess the cool thing to do these days it start a blog. I'm cool, so I don't know why I haven't jumped on this band-wagon yet. For those of you who know me, I have a lot of things to talk about, so choosing one thing to focus on is impossible. That's why I decided to make this a kind of "Open-Journal". Since it's a journal, and not a published document, I might not always use correct grammar, punctuation, or words for THAT matter. What matters most is that I get a chance to use some great metaphors to convey my view of reality to internet friends.

I may be cool, but I'm really nobody special. I just try to live life with a little vigor, and make things as interesting as possible. To some people, the way I do that might be a little weird, but I guess it's not cool to care, -so I won't worry about it too much :) (cool ppl use smiley faces when they type).

So now that you have a feel for what this thing is about, LETS GET STARTED!!!

I'm about to make some big changes in my life, but the crazy thing is- I have no idea at this point what exactly they are. We are moving to Oregon very soon, with the intention of starting a new life. We have never been there, and only know what we have heard and read about the places we are looking to move.

I am pursuing a degree in Fermentation Science to learn about the most under-appreciated life form on the planet: Yeast. "Why", you may ask? Well, since I started home-brewing beer as a hobby, I have become more and more fascinated with the science behind the beer making. I have always loved science, and only recently discovered my love for beer, so why not marry the two into a dynamic career of being a scientist and a brewer at the same time?

So this is what sparked my desire to move. Is it crazy? Yes, it most definitely is. But I think I can pull it off. I have a lot of very encouraging friends, and that encouragement has made me believe I can actually do it. It'll be a long ride, but I'm prepared for the adventure.

Here's some cool things that are happening right now, that I plan to follow up on in future blogs:
1. I just had a phone interview for a Harvest intern position with Chris from Benton-Lane Winery in Monroe Oregon, and have a second phone interview very soon with the Cellar Master. This will be ideal, because it is a hands on job in a highly regarded winery, that will put some experience under my belt in the world of brewing/fermenting.

2. Shelli has an interview with the Department of Human Services in Eugene tomorrow, that is 30 minutes away from the winery, and 1 hour away from Oregon State University, where my program of choice is located.

3. I just got a Macbook pro, so I'm ready to blog my ass off, in the hopes of entertaining some peeps after I leave my home state.

Well, that's all I have time for now, and I hope you'll stay tuned for updates. Till next time,


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